Two of the commonest questions we get is:
“Is chiropractic for me?”
“How can you help me?”
At Key Wellness Chiropractic we use the McTimoney technique. The McTimoney technique was created by John McTimoney and is taught exclusively in Abingdon and Manchester. This technique is well known for being gentle, effective and precise. Due to the gentle nature of the treatment, it is suitable for all from tiny babies to the elderly.
During every treatment there is a whole-body assessment, allowing us to treat how the body presents on the day of treatment. We adapt each treatment depending on the patient, their preferences, and any underlying health conditions. For example, some patients may prefer to be treated sitting up rather than lying. Some medical conditions may be contra indication for some adjustments – if this is the case, then we use a different technique that is suitable for the patient. As the saying goes “there is more than one way to skin a cat”.
Chiropractic can help with a variety of conditions, injuries and disorders. Some of the most common complaints include:
· Back pain
· Sciatica
· Neck pain
· Shoulder pain
· Hip and pelvic pain
· Tennis elbow
· Knee pains
· Certain headaches
· Migraines
· Sports injuries
· General aches and pains
· Inability to relax
As chiropractors we do not just adjust, we also aim to educate, and this will form part of the treatment plan. Education comes through the form of
· exercises for you to aid with treatment progression
· exercises as a form of self-care
· discussions regarding your daily activities and how you can adapt them to prevent further aches and pains
· discussions regarding pain management.
Chiropractors are also trained in other therapies to help treatment. At Key Wellness we are able to offer some soft tissue work within your treatment plan.
