Lower back pain is a common ailment, it is estimated that 2 in 3 people will experience back pain in their life. Discomfort and limitations from lower back pain can impact daily activities and overall well-being. By using chiropractic, yoga or a mixture of both we can help to alleviate discomfort and promote long-term health.
There are a variety of causes of back pain, including:
Muscle strain. This is a common cause of lower back pain and can be due to over use or improper movements leading to pain and stiffness.
Disc herniation (what is commonly caused a “slipped disc”). Imagine the jam in a jam doughnut being squeezed out – this is similar to what happens with a disc herniation.
Degenerative Disc Disease, this is wear and tear on the intervertebral discs and can cause pain and reduced mobility. It should be noted that most people will have a degree of degeneration.
Sciatica, this is irritation of the sciatic nerve causing nerve pain into the back of the legs.
Spinal Stenosis, this is the narrowing of the spinal canal putting pressure on the nerves.
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, misalignment, inflammation or fixation of the sacroiliac joint. This is a common complaint and causes lower back pain and occasionally pain into the groin.
As a chiropractic clinic, we can offer several treatments to help with lower back pain including:
Spinal adjustments
Soft tissue work to reduce muscle tension and enhance flexibility.
Tailored exercises
Ergonomic advice, help with posture and workstation set up.
Yoga flows, use specific yoga poses to provide stretches, strengthen and to balance the body.
Lower back pain does not need to be a lifelong issue.
